A Poet Named Superman, Photo by A Poet Named Superman Photographer
Take a journey with A Poet Named Superman as he expresses real life situations, thoughts & feelings through the power of Spoken Word.
Hailing from New Jersey, Greg Murray aka A Poet Named Superman has been a poet/spoken word artist for more than 15 years. Since his arrival to CLT, he’s curated multiple events for artists in the Queen City (including the long-running SuperFriends Writers Workshop & Release Therapy Open Mic).
His poetry stems from personal life experiences and covers various topics. Whether it’s through tales of self awareness, the effects of social injustice, the joys of being a “big kid”, or just finding your purpose, you’re bound to be inspired by this poetic superhero’s words. He’s here to save the world…. one word at a time.
Showing at: MacFly Fresh – Livestreamed via ZOOM