“The Lonely Class Reunion” centers on an alumnus who reflects on his high school experience and the terrible tragedy that haunts his graduating class.
Inspired by experiences from the theatrical world since his childhood, Mariot Valcin Jr. has developed the gift of creating original and adapted productions that are thought-provoking and educational, entertaining and cathartic. Through his profession as an educator, Mariot has used that access to partner with school districts in Dallas, TX, and Charlotte, NC, to implement theatrical programs that have enriched children and teens in underrepresented communities.
It’s also through his professional career that Mariot has exposed his artistic writing talent. Mariot’s writing teaches, inspires and tickles one’s “funny bone.” His writing captures the essence of life, its struggles and the triumph that rises seasonally. Mariot’s writing takes the reader to a new place, and sometimes a new time — all reminding one of his/her current reality and experiences.
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