Breeze the Poet Breeze the Poet

Breeze the Poet

Photo by Breeze the Poet Photographer

BOOM Performance:
“Serenity Song –
The Soundtrack”

Breeze the Poet: Spoken Word/Theatre

The show is essentially a walk-through of Breeze the Poet’s mind and heart, with the tour guides of music and poetry. Every instance in the artist’s life is attached to a song or a poem, or both. In the words of his own illustrious call and response…”lights camera action…it’s finna be a movie my guy”!!, this is the soundtrack.

Breeze had the idea a long time ago, because music was his first love, before he found poetry. So much of the artist’s life and poetry has been influenced by music that he believes wrapping those elements into one piece would be a good idea. Audience members can expect to experience a soulfully nostalgic vibe, accenting the genuine vulnerability from the the artist.


Breeze The Poet is an author, playwright, National and World poetry slam champion, native of Richmond, VA. Breeze is also the creator of LifeLine Poetry, an organization built on the development of spoken word artists and presenting the art of spoken word to children. Breeze was also ranked 10th at the 2018 Individual World Poetry Slam, is a 6x King of the South Slam Champion, and is a TV1 Verses & Flow alumnus.


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Performance date(s) and time(s) will be announced in March, 2020.

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