. – Dance
Virtual Event
Our 3-part series showcasing artistic responses to the current moment concludes this Saturday at 4:00 with ~an hour long live event. And you wouldn’t want to miss this final Act, as we had saved some of the best for the last!
Before we get to the lineup, we want to express our deep gratitude to:
- The ~40 artists/groups who bared their soul through their deeply moving pieces
- Our wonderful partners who worked so hard over the last few weeks to make this possible: Will Jenkins of BLK MRKT CLT (who also produced the videos), Jessica Moss of The Roll Up and Matt Olin and Tim Miner of Charlotte is Creative.
- to all our funders without whose support we wouldn’t have been to survive this crisis, and to adapt and find new ways to provide a truly inclusive platform for the important artistic voices of this region
- and of course, to all of all of you for your participation and support. You joined us the last 2 weekends, cheered, commented, shared the videos, and contributed to the artists and the cause. Without your presence none of this would have been worthwhile.
BOOM Youtube Channel
BOOM – Youtube Live (ACT III)
ACT III Artists:
Bluz: Host
and The Roll Up CLT featuring:
The series ends here. But the work is far from being done. We will continue to explore ways to bring forward and amplify the most important and urgent voices of our time.
On your part, please continue to support us, our partner organizations, and the many others who are working tirelessly in the community.
And most importantly, seek out and support artists of color.
This is a historic moment, let us do our part.
Act. Now.
The BOOM team,
Manoj, Camerin, Jessica and Kia.
Special Thanks to our Sponsors: